As we approach the new year of 2025, I would like to submit the lyrics of Johnny Nash for your guiding North Star as you enter 2025.
And Here, LIES the Truth
We lie every day. Some big lies. Some little lies. Some lies we don’t even recognize as lies. Sometimes, those lies are to others. Why?
The 12 Days of Wellness for the Holidays
Kweku’s Korner By Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi On the first day of the Holidays, my ancestors gave to me a sense of Self-Identity. The foundation will always be to truly understand who we are and a sense of our historical knowledge that dates centuries before the Middle Passage. On the second day of the Holiday, my […]
On My Square
Kweku’s Korner By Dr. Kweku Akyirefi Amoas Trouble does not discriminate. Regardless of our race, gender, religion, age, political affiliation, ability status, orientation, or nationality, she will visit all of us. When trouble comes, and she comes without fail, the question is how do we respond? When trouble comes, it knocks us off our square. […]
Imposter Syndrome
An imposter is someone who pretends to be something that they are not. The greatest imposters are actors.
Trumped by a Con Man
Kweku’s Korner “He who dares not offend, cannot be honest!” – Thomas Paine By Dr. Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi The election of 2016 left a lot of people confused in the United States. It was only eight years prior that the first Black President was elected in the United States, and it was declared that this […]
Two Words: The Art of Apologizing
Kweku’s Korner By Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi Two words can mean the difference between peace and war. These two words can be said, but 1) said with no conviction; 2) said, but not followed through on; 3) never stated, but remorse and repentance are shown through action; or 4) never stated in any fashion. These two […]
Normalizing Dysfunction
Kweku’s Korner By Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi The world has gone mad. And, since we are all living in madness, we do not even notice it; in fact, we have normalized it. In March of 2020, America shut down for a once-in-a-century pandemic; in September of 2022, President Joe Biden declared it was over. On October […]
Return to School Protocol
Kweku’s Korner By Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi The end of Labor Day signals the unofficial end of the summer and the beginning of the school year. After the excitement of first day photos and return to school celebrations, we must begin the real work. The real work is setting our students up for success throughout the […]
Caravan Of Love
Kweku’s Korner By Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi “Every woman every man Join the caravan of love (Stand up) stand up Stand up Everybody take a stand Join the caravan of love (Stand up) stand up Stand up We’ll be living in a world of peace And the day when everyone is free bring the young and […]