June 19, 2015

Links, Incorporated organization members gather before their recent event.
On Sunday, June 7, the Madison Metropolitan Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, presented its annual African-American Student Recognition Program at Madison College’s Truax Campus. This year’s theme, “Empowering Students Through Education,” was resonant throughout the program’s entirety. The College’s Gateway and Mitby Theaters were filled with community members and several organizations that participated in presenting scholarships and awards to young people from kindergarten to those going off to college.

A recent Links program participant presents her certificate.

Links members going through the award certificates at the event.
Proud parents and their children were present and expressed the importance of programs such as this. Kindergartner Aniyah was accompanied by her father, Carl Wesley. Carl shared in the importance the Madison Links provide in recognizing young people so that they may continue to strive to be in the limelight as they succeed through life.
The Links, Incorporated is one of the oldest and largest African American service organizations in the nation. Proceeds generated from the annual Community Recognition and Scholarship Jazz Brunch enable Links to present the student recognition program at the end of each school year. Within the Services to Youth program facet, the major programming effort, the Madison Metropolitan Chapter has touched the lives of more than 13,000 African American students across the Madison metropolitan area.

For more information on the Madison Links, go to the website at www.madisonlinksinc.org or www.facebook.com/MadisonLinks.