By Lindsey Gapen May 15, 2015 Dantrell Cotton at his UW graduation last year Graduation rates for college students of color have been on the rise in Madison in recent years. According to University of Wisconsin-Madison officials, minority students have comprised nearly 10 percent of undergraduate classes over the past five […]
New Diversity Director Ready to Engage Alumni
By Lindsey Gapen May 1, 2015 Tracey Williams-Maclin In an effort to further engage the variety of skills, knowledge and experience of past graduates, the Wisconsin Alumni Association recently hired a new director of diversity and inclusion to build new relationships within the community. And she’s hit the ground running. […]
Harlem Renaissance Museum Blends Iconic Figures, Midwestern Roots
By Elizabeth Stephens April 10, 2015 Poet and novelist Jean Toomer, dancer Josephine Baker, writer Alain Locke, and poet Langston Hughes all have roots in the Midwest. They’re also cultural icons from the 1920s and are being celebrated as part of the grand opening of Madison’s new Harlem Renaissance Museum, which […]
Proposed State Budget Cuts to Hit Public Education Hard
By Elizabeth Stephens April 3, 2015 Another round of Joint Finance Committee hearings occurred last Thursday in Reedsburg amid continued controversy over Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed 2015-2017 state budget. For the last several weeks, crowds have been packing high school and college auditoriums for a chance to testify before a panel of […]
UW System Gets Hit By Walker’s Budget Proposal
By Graham Thomas Kilmer February 13, 2015 Gov. Scott Walker On Tuesday February 3 Governor Scott Walker released his budget proposal, a plan that includes a proposed $300 million cut in funding to the UW-System and the installation of a public authority in the place of the UW’s existing governance structure. […]