By Nadiyah Groves

Nadiyah Groves
I’m Nadiyah Groves, a native Milwaukeean, and I’m proud to be on Team Tammy Baldwin. I’ve had the honor of serving our community for decades, helping lift up our voices and ensure everyone has the opportunity to thrive. I’m dedicated to serving our city and making sure all of us have a good paying job, health care we can afford, and a safe neighborhood to live and raise our family. I want to tell you about why that mission aligns with Tammy Baldwin.
Tammy Leads with Integrity
Working for Tammy in 2018 and joining her again for 2024, I can tell you one thing about her – she leads with integrity. Tammy is present. She cares. She listens. She represents Wisconsin with character, a heart for public service and the integrity needed to take on the powerful and the well connected and win.
While the big corporate special interests and the super-wealthy have it easy making their voices heard, Tammy isn’t scared to take on the big fights and speak up for working Wisconsinites. This makes her feared in Washington, and appreciated at home.
Tammy knows that here in Milwaukee we make everything: steel, engines, paper, ships, beer, brats, and of course, cheese. It’s a long and proud tradition. We’re one of the top manufacturing regions in the country and folks everywhere know where their motorcycles, engines, and the tools to work on them both come from: Milwaukee.
Long before just about anyone was supporting Made in America, Tammy made it her mission to protect American jobs and keep our factories open here in Wisconsin – and she delivered. Last year, Tammy went to bat for Wisconsin’s workers and won big by including Made in America provisions in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, so that when we’re building new bridges and roads all across the country, American steel and American concrete are being used to do it. And all of those projects mean more high paying jobs right here in Wisconsin.
At the same time, Tammy knows working families across our community are dealing with costs that just seem to keep going up. That’s why Tammy is taking on the health care and prescription drug companies, who have gotten away with ripping off Americans for too long. Tammy championed the Affordable Care Act and added the provision that lets children stay on their parents’ health insurance plans until they’re 26 years old, forced Big Pharma to lower the price of prescription drugs like insulin, and is still fighting to make sure every Wisconsinite has access to health care they can afford.
Tammy Stands Up for All Wisconsinites
Wisconsin values are under attack and I trust Tammy to stand up to the right wing extremism that’s coming for our freedoms.
When Roe v. Wade was overturned, setting our country 50 years back in time and Wisconsin 175 years back in time because of the no-exception 1849 ban, Tammy took action.
Right now, she is fighting to pass legislation that will restore and protect a woman’s right to choose.
But the Supreme Court didn’t just stop at taking away our right to choose, they also signaled they were coming after marriage next. Tammy tirelessly worked to gain bipartisan support to pass her Respect for Marriage Act, which means that same-sex and interracial couples can sleep at night knowing their marriage is protected.
And as we see time and time again the right wing will stop at nothing to suppress the vote, gerrymander district lines, and prevent communities from having a say, especially in communities like Milwaukee. Tammy knows that voting rights are the foundation of America’s democracy and is at the forefront of the fight to pass legislation that will stop right wing voter suppression efforts.
The stakes are going to be high in 2024, our democracy and our freedoms are on the line. Tammy knows this, and she’s the fighter Wisconsin needs to move us forward. I’m proud to be working for Tammy because she’ll always work hard for me, for you, and for all of Wisconsin.