February 6, 2015

Everyone’s favorite cookie is coming back. On Friday, February 13, Girl Scouts of Wisconsin – Badgerland will begin selling cookies as part of the Girl Scout Cookie Program. The program is the largest girl-run business in the world and teaches girls essential skills to succeed personally and professionally, including goal setting, decision-making, money management, people skills and business ethics. A Girl Scout cookie purchase supports girls as they do great things in their communities and encourages them to Lead the Change – which is the theme of the 2015 program.
2015 Cookie Program Overview Sale Dates Badgerland Girl Scouts will sell cookies February 13-March 22. Girls will be selling cookies around their neighborhoods and holding community booth sales throughout the sale so you can purchase them while you’re out and about. But, get them while you can because Girl Scout cookies are only available for 5 weeks. Cookie Price and Flavors Cookies are still $3.75 per box and all the favorites are back: Thin Mints, Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Lemonades, Thanks-a-Lots, Shortbreads and Cranberry Citrus Crisps. Gluten Free Too Gluten free cookies are back for a second year. Badgerland is part of a national pilot of gluten free cookies. This is year two of the pilot and we have a new gluten free cookie called Trios; it’s an oatmeal, peanut butter cookie with chocolate chips. Gluten free cookies are $5. Notable: Not all Girl Scout troops are selling gluten free cookies – it’s an optional cookie for them.
NEW IN 2015 The Cookie Program Has Gone Digital! Cookie sales are going beyond the booth and door-to-door and now there’s a new way for customers to order cookies purchase – online. Girl Scouts have the option of setting up an online cookie store and inviting customers to order their Girl Scout cookies from her online. So how does it work? In true girl-led style, a Girl Scout always handles the cookie sale. She will send an ecard inviting customers to shop her digital sale. Customers pay with a credit card and their cookies are shipped. That means Girl Scouts with family and friends out-of-state can support her sale by being a Digital Cookie Customer.
Learning Life Skills While Selling Cookies The goal of the Cookie Program is to help girls gain life-long skills including goal setting, money management, people skills and business ethics. And no matter their age, each Girl Scout is learning! Girl Scout Daisies (kindergartners and first graders) may work on building the confidence to speak with adults and learning to count change to their customer while a Girl Scout Ambassador (high school juniors and seniors) may write a business plan focused on maximizing repeat customers. This truly is a learning program for girl entrepreneurs.
Girls Learn Philanthropy, Too
Girls practice philanthropy through the Cookie Share program. Customers can choose to purchase cookies then donate them to the Girl Scout troop’s Cookie Share Project. Each Girl Scout troop will choose a worthy organization in which to donate these cookies.
Setting Goals. Earning Rewards
All Girl Scout Cookie Program proceeds stay local and girls set cookie goals to transform her cookie profits into experiences. Money earned by girls for their troops will pay for programs such as camp, travel, troop adventures and local community service projects. In 2014, 30 Badgerland Girl Scouts earned a trip to Disney World by each selling over 2014 boxes of cookies! They’ll have that opportunity again this year – girls selling 2015 boxes can earn a trip to Disney or San Diego. How to Find Girl Scout Cookies Visit girlscoutcookies.org and enter your zip code or call 1.800.236.2710 and we’ll connect you with a troop near you.