By Karen Stokes

Alcinda Flowers, M. D. Medical Director at Versiti (Photo/Versiti)
Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin, the primary blood provider for more than 56 hospitals in 29 counties across Wisconsin, has issued an emergency appeal for blood donations due to a dangerously low blood supply. Less than a day’s worth of certain blood types are currently available, endangering the lives of local patients. Summer donations have plummeted to critical levels, with more than 3,500 appointments missed in June alone.
“The problem is twofold there’s a shortage of donations and there’s an increase in usage,” said Alcinda Flowers, M.D., Medical Director at Versiti. “A great source of donations comes from drives that occur at high schools, colleges, places of business in the summer, schools out and people are taking their vacations and those drives are lacking in donors and donations. The second half is we experience more trauma in the summer and by trauma I mean things like car and motorcycle accidents. It’s now common towards the end of summer for our inventory to start suffering. It can be temporary until school gets back in session and businesses get back to their normal routines and blood drives increase.”
Versiti supplies every hospital in Southeast Wisconsin.
“The O blood types are shorter than others and O positive is one of the most common ones. O negative can go to anyone, it’s the universal transfusion that can be safely received by all patients in emergencies when the blood type is unknown,” said Flowers. “Those get hit first but we need all types. Unfortunately, our shipments to hospitals have to be cut. It’s up to hospitals to implement conservation protocols.”
Giving blood is convenient and quick. Flowers explained that the actual collection of the blood is 10 minutes or less. The questionnaire and getting the vital signs take another 29 minutes. You have to be 17 or older, 16 with an adult and you need to bring a government-issued ID. It’s safe.
“If you think about the people who need this blood it pales in comparison to having a needle in your arm for 10 minutes,” Flowers said. “Blood can’t be made in a lab, we rely on the people in the community to give it out of their own generosity.”
Dr. Mike Totoraitis, Milwaukee’s Commissioner of Health, encourages all eligible individuals to schedule a blood donation at a Versiti location or nearby community drive. “Your donation has the power to save lives. Blood donations are essential to supporting our community,” he stated.
To schedule an appointment to donate blood, call 1-877-BE-A-HERO (1-877-232-4376) or Walk-in donors are also welcome.