By U.S. Senator
Tammy Baldwin

U.S. Senator
Tammy Baldwin
As Wisconsinites head to the polls to vote early this fall, we’re voting on the issues that affect our everyday lives and the futures of our family, friends and communities.
I’ve heard from folks across the state, and they tell me that they’re already voting early because they know that health care is on the ballot this year.
I met with a family on Milwaukee’s north side who were voting early because they’re worried about keeping their health insurance coverage. I know what that’s like—my grandparents had to fight to get me insured as a child after I was labeled with a pre-existing condition.
I recently spoke with students in Milwaukee who were concerned about staying on their parents’ health insurance until age 26—an issue that I pushed Washington to pass as part of health care reform.
And I’ve heard from countless Wisconsinites who are heading to the polls this year because they know that protections for pre-existing conditions are on the line. I’ve met with parents of children with pre-existing conditions like congenital heart defects, genetic diseases and cancer. They need coverage for their children, and I’m committed to fighting for them every day.
That’s why I’m taking action right now. Recently, the Trump Administration has redoubled their efforts to expand “junk insurance” plans. These plans wouldn’t cover essential services like maternity care, emergency room visits and prescription drugs. And they would let insurance companies deny Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions. We can’t afford to go back to the days when insurance companies wrote the rules, so I’m leading the national effort to put a stop to the expansion of these junk plans.
Your vote couldn’t be more important this year. My opponent has a record of siding with the insurance companies, not with hardworking Wisconsin families.
Leah Vukmir supported the Graham-Cassidy and AHCA repeal plans that would gut pre-existing condition protections and allow insurance companies to price sick people out of their plans.
In fact, when Vice President Pence visited Wisconsin in August—he said that Leah Vukmir would cast the deciding vote in the U.S. Senate to repeal health care should Republicans try again next year.
And while I’m fighting to stop the expansion of junk insurance plans, Leah Vukmir said she opposed my efforts.
It’s clear who is on the side of Wisconsin and who is on the side of the big insurance companies. That’s what’s at stake in this election.
The best way to make your voice heard and protect your health care is to vote. I encourage every Milwaukeean to get out to vote and vote early.
Today you can early vote at three locations in Milwaukee:
• Zeidler Municipal Building, 841 N. Broadway
• Midtown Center, 5700 W. Capitol Dr. (located west of Pick ‘n Save)
• Mitchell Street Library, 906 W. Historic Mitchell St.
Each location is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
And on Monday, Oct. 15, even more early voting locations will open.
• At the Zablocki Library on Oklahoma Ave.,
• The Center Street Library on Fond du Lac Ave.,
• The Mill Road Library on 76th St.,
• The UWM Peck School of the Arts-Helene Zelazo Center on Kenwood Blvd., and
• MATC for students.
The best part is that voting is easy— all you have to do is bring your photo ID, take someone with you, and you can even register to vote right at these locations too.
Let’s stand up for our families, protecting our health care and creating a stronger, healthier Milwaukee.