March 27, 2015

Welcome to an exciting new feature in the Madison Times that we like to call: “Brown Girl, Green Money”!

Angela Fitzgerald
My name is Angela Fitzgerald, but my friends call me Angie, and I represent 1/4th of Brown Girl, Green Money (
We are a collective of Brown women (who also identify as Black) who are working hard to reach our own personal finance goals and who share a passion for encouraging other women to do the same. No pain, no gain – right 😉
We aren’t unlike many others who focus on personal finance. We also believe that the key to wealth building begins with the simple daily decisions that guide how we manage our finances, and gains momentum by applying knowledge on (seemingly) complex topics like saving and investing.
Where we differ is our focus.
While the information that we will provide can apply to virtually anyone, we have chosen to single out women of color specifically.
Why you may ask?
Good question 🙂 Despite our tremendous spending power we still lag behind when it comes to truly amassing wealth. Here, we aren’t afraid to dig deep and acknowledge the proverbial elephant in the room that is the unique history of our group and the resulting impact on current racially-driven economic disparities.
We also want to turn a culturally-sensitive lens to understanding individual and systemic practices that contribute to racial economic disparities, and simultaneously hold one another accountable to making sound financial decisions for the betterment of ourselves, our families and communities.
We’re also quick to admit that we’re not the experts – not by a long shot! Who we are, are wealth building enthusiasts who are learning as we go and reaping the benefits of that applied knowledge, even as we make mistakes.
We encourage those of you who vibe with our mission to share your experiences and the wisdom that you’ve gained. If you would like to contribute your story, or lessons learned, feel free to email us at
We promise not to side-eye your mistakes, and instead will celebrate with your successes and continue to cheer you on to the finish line!
That’s it in a nutshell! Thanks for stopping by; we look forward to introducing you to the rest of the Brown Girl, Green Money crew while keeping the convo going in the weeks to come.
And again welcome – to Brown Girl, Green Money.
Read more at: Welcome to Brown Girl, Green Money: Part 2
Angela is a researcher/program evaluator by day, and crime fighter by night. And by "crime", she means the perceived inability to turn dreams into reality. She can be reached at if you'd like to chop it over life goals or all things Shonda Rhimes.