By Milwaukee Courier Staff

Alex Lasry
This week, Alex Lasry’s campaign for U.S. Senate released a new poll showing that a majority of primary voters in the 2022 Democratic Primary believe that Lasry is the best option to beat Ron Johnson in November.
In a memo released by the campaign, the poll shows that 36% of primary voters believe that Lasry is the best candidate to beat Ron Johnson while 28% say that describes Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes.
The poll also highlighted, like the recently released Marquette University poll, that the Democratic Primary is in a statistical tie between Lasry and Barnes. Barnes had 33% of the vote with Lasry at 30%, within the poll’s margin of error. State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski trailed at 15%.
In a press release, Lasry’s campaign noted that despite Barnes beginning to advertise on television over the past several weeks, he has not seen any gain of support in the polls while Lasry’s number has continued to grow substantially as his campaign’s television and online advertising reach more voters.
At least 5 candidates in the Democratic primary have advertised on television thus far, as well as incumbent Republican Senator Ron Johnson. Polling released by the campaigns and publicly shows that the race will be tightly contested between Barnes and Lasry. The winner of the August 9th primary election will take on Johnson in November.