2014 Consolidated Annual
Performance Evaluation Report
5:00 p.m. March 5, 2015
Room 260, Madison Municipal Building 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Madison, WI 53703
The CDBG Committee welcomes verbal or written statements from Madison residents or groups in preparation for developing the 2014 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER). The CAPER summarizes the activities of federally funded projects for the 2014 calendar year in a format identified by the Department of Housing Urban Development The Committee solicits comments on the performance of these 2014 activities and for suggestions for improvements in the upcoming years.
The Committee requests that you keep your comments within a three-minute presentation limit. If you have multiple presenters representing the same agency, please try to limit presenters to three people per agency, with each having 3 minutes to speak. If you find the presentation time is too brief, or are unable to attend the public hearing, please submit your comments by one of the following methods by noon, on March 4, 2015:
Send written comments to the Community Development Division at 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Room 225, Madison, Wisconsin 53703.
Fax the office at (608) 261-9661
Send the Committee an e-mail at cdbg@cityofmadison.com, or through the website at www.cityofmadison.com/cdbg; or
Phone in your comments to (608) 266-6520. Your comments will be incorporated into the Committee’s discussion of the 2014 CAPER.
A copy of the 2014 CAPER Executive Summary is available on the City’s website at http://www.cityofmadison.com/dpced/communitydevelopment/ or http://www.cityofmadison.com/cdbg/doc_library.htm.
If you need special accommodations such as a translator or signing person, please call the Community Development Division at 266-6520 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that we may make the arrangements for your participation.

As an academic staff member of the University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension, employed with Family Living Programs, the Program Specialist for the Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program (WNEP) provides leadership for training, staff development, and evaluation.
Collaborate with other WNEP state and county staff, provide guidance, leadership and technical expertise for professional development for county-based WNEP staff to build skills and capabilities in teaching low-income individuals and groups
Coordinate conferences, trainings and professional development for WNEP staff
Serve as WNEP advisor to selected county-based WNEP coordinators as they plan and conduct educational programs, prepare reports and participate in statewide program efforts
Plan and implement program evaluation focused on the impacts of the Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program to document and communicate results of WNEP programming
Communicate Extension’s value by developing effective relationships and providing relevant program outcome information to public officials, legislators, the general public and other interested parties
Reach and engage diverse audiences in ways that are inclusive and do not discriminate to ensure full access to programs, facilities and educational services
Ensure compliance with affirmative action, equal employment opportunity and civil rights laws, regulations and policies while carrying out job duties- Be responsive to evolving position, program, office and organizational needs; perform adjusted or additional duties as requested
Application deadline: March 10, 2015.
For details on how to apply visit:
We are an AA/EEO employer.

Accounting Specialist
Transportation Coordinator 2015 Summer School Teacher Elementary School Principal
Middle School Principal
High School Principal
Instructional Resource Teacher
Reading Interventionist
Off Campus/Neutral Site Program Substitute Teacher School Nurse
AVID Middle & High School Tutors & Lead Tutors
Special Need For:
Substitute Special Education Assistants Bilingual Special Education Assistants Bilingual Permit Substitute Teachers Substitute Teachers
2015/16 Teacher Pools – all certification areas
An Equal Opportunity Employer

Director of Planning & Community
& Economic Development
The City of Madison is seeking a Director to lead the strategic, operational, and financial functions of the Planning, Community & Economic Divisions. This position requires three years of responsible managerial experience in directing the staff and programs of a local governmental unit primarily engaged in physical planning, economic growth and development, and community redevelopment. $111,316.00 – $150,277.00 Annually.
To obtain more detailed information and to apply for this position, please visit our website at www.cityofmadison.com/employment. Applications are due no later than March 29, 2015.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dane County is seeking an energetic, community-focused CEO who can expand our services to meet real and growing needs in Dane County.
The CEO must be a leader with passion and skills to fulfill the vision of providing a mentor for every child whose parents request services.
Candidate will have a competitive spirit, engaging personality and have no less than five years of relevant experience. Knowledge of structured mentoring programs a plus. A bachelor’s degree is required.
Qualified candidates are to forward a cover letter sharing why they would be a good fit along with curriculum vitae by March 15, 2015 to:
Dave Pauly
Interim CEO
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dane County
email: dpauly@bbbsmadison.org
By mail:
2059 Atwood Avenue #2
Madison, WI 53704
For more information about BBBS Dane County and
the job description, visit www.bbbs.org/danecounty
Major Giving Officer
Wisconsin Public Radio seeks an experienced, dynamic, major donor fundraiser to grow the organization’s established program. S/he will manage a portfolio of current donors and major gift prospects and meet development goals, including annual, endowment, capital, and/or project goals. Requires: 3-5 years’ experience in major gifts fundraising with a proven record of success. Details: http://wpr.org/job-opportunities. Betsy.nelson@wpr.org
TheMadisonTimes is looking for writers, freelancers and photographers.
Please submit three samples of your work to news@madtimes.com to be considered.