Congresswoman Gwen Moore (Photo/Karen Stokes)
By Karen Stokes
Congresswoman Gwen Moore selected MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary Inc.’s project to receive $500,000 in community project funding to support a stair tower for a repurposed facility at 2461 W. Center St.
The sanctuary is committed to serving disadvantaged residents within their neighborhood, providing essential support and services to those facing the greatest barriers to equity and access to resources.
“To make sure that I double down my efforts to make sure that the most vulnerable among us is protected. I am happy to be able to organize some local funding,” said Moore. “We had thousands of very worthy proposals. The proposal that stood out to me was the MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary Center.

Sister MacCanon Brown (Photo/Karen Stokes)
Earmarked funding will support building a five-story stair tower for a repurposed warehouse that will serve as an employment hub, food production center, and community space.
The facility will offer resources like a free healthcare clinic, job assistance, lead education, housing support, literacy programs, and recovery services for homeless and at-risk residents.
The general contractor on the project is Milwaukee-based Dahlman Construction Company.
Construction of Phase One and Phase Two of the first floor are completed. The third floor of the building will include an aquaponics system occupying 70% of the floor, and an environmental/health education and training center within the remaining space.
The funding for a stair tower will guarantee full use of the building’s five floors and ensure that the building is code compliant.

Rendering of MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary (Greg Schumacher)
“Sister MacCanon Brown works in the neighborhood and is tireless and full of energy. She is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met,” said Karen Dubis, board vice president and executive associate.
MacCanon Brown, “We started 10 years ago with no financial resources, no Human Resources, and the vision of this organization and we have been able to witness all things are possible and part of how they are possible is that this is a “we” thing.”
“Providing people with the very basic needs who are homeless or near homeless, families that have more months than money. People don’t need to be judged, they need to be fed,” Moore said.
“We are reversing the hemorrhaging of the woundedness of the 53206-zip code,” MacCanon Brown said. “It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”