By George E. Curry, NNPA Columnist In 2013, race still mattered – especially at Fox News. According to MediaMatters, the watchdog group, last year was a banner period for race-baiting at Fox.“Viewers who spent 2013 absorbed in Fox News might be under the impression that an all-out race war has erupted across the nation this […]
My New Year Wishes
By Julianne Malveaux Happy New Year! January first and second are the days when most think of the “new” year, yet with the first Monday in January falling on January 6, that’s probably when most people will return to their desks withy focused energy and ready to go. Post-its and scrawled notebook paper will trumpet […]
Where bipartisanship is out of order
By Julianne Malveaux Former Kansas Senator and 1996 Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole was recently presented with an award that is named after him. The World Food Program USA’s first George McGovern and Bob Dole Leadership Award, is named after the Former Kansas Senator and 1996 Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole was recently presented with […]
Jesse Jackson almost missed Mandela’s funeral
By George E. Curry, NNPA Columnist PRETORIA, South Africa — Jesse Jackson left the Southern Sun Hotel in downtown Pretoria shortly after 3 a.m. Sunday, expecting it would take less than two hours to fly 541 miles to Qunu, where funeral services were being held for former South African President Nelson Mandela.The first indication that […]
Mandela’s road to freedom
By Julianne Malveaux If I close my eyes, I can remember 1984. I am among those running from meeting to meeting working to pass Proposition J, the San Francisco ballot initiative that required the city to divest pension funds from companies doing business in South Africa. The ballot initiative had to get two-thirds of the […]
Mandela opponents trying to re-write history
By George E. Curry, NNPA Columnist Many conservatives who actively opposed Nelson Mandela’s protracted struggle to establish democracy in White minority-ruled South Africa are trying to rationalize their past criticism by either ignoring their earlier public statements or trying to place the struggle for a democratic society in South Africa in a Cold War context.Leading […]
The tax man cometh
By James Clingman, NNPA Columnist When the tax man cometh, Black dollars “goeth.” Where will they goeth? Down a myriad of paths in pursuit of new items such as furniture, cars, clothing, and other niceties. But first, unless you do your own tax return or get it done for free by someone, Black dollars goeth […]
A Dad’s Reflection On His Li’l Miracle & Her Delivery
By Dr. Alex Gee (December 2, 2013 at 2:07pm) Jackie suffers from an incompetent cervix which means that her uterus cannot hold the weigh of a baby. Her doctor put a cerclage (stitch) in her uterus to keep it secure. On Thanksgiving Day (Nov 27, 1996) Jackie’s water broken…120 days too early!!!! 17 years ago […]
What Would Republicans Do on Healthcare?
By George E. Curry, NNPA Columnist Many ardent conservatives are critical of the Affordable Care Act or what they derisively call “Obamacare.” But what are they proposing that proves that they care about uninsured Americans? The Tampa Bay Times’ “Pundit Fact” team discovered some interesting findings when they approached that question indirectly. Specifically, the newspaper […]
Nuclear option launched against intransigent Republicans
By George E. Curry After repeated Republican obstruction, Senate Democrats boldly stood up to Republicans by pulling the trigger on the nuclear option, a parliamentary maneuver that means most executive branch nominees now can be approved by a simple majority rather than the 60-vote supermajority in effect throughout President Obama’s term.Although Democrats hold a 55-45 […]