® An especially important European philosopher-economist (the so-called “Father of Economics”), Adam Smith (1723 – 1790), is introduced to economics students early in their study. No doubt, his contributions to knowledge about economics are foundational, extraordinary, and indelible. His theoretical elaborations of the “market,” the “invisible hand” concept, “value,” “price,” “saving and investment,” and “growth” […]
The PBC and You® What is the PBC? Economist and 2018 Nobel Laureate William Nordhaus is an early theorizer about the political business cycle (PBC), which he concluded arises because “voters care about the economy and politicians care about power.”(1) The notion is that politicians will act to ensure favorable conditions (especially economic conditions) leading up to elections […]
Can Statistics Help Pay the Black American (Afrodescendant) Reparations Bill?® Introduction The purpose of this report brief explores whether and how statistics can help pay the Black American (Afrodescendant) Reparations bill should the nation ever agree to such a payment. To clarify, we support the following outcomes: Development of a comprehensive Reparations value; as the most culpable party, the US Government should pay that […]
Headline Thoughts No. 2® “Headline Thoughts” reflect our contemplations of, and conclusions about, recent, and important media/press headlines from a Black American economic perspective. Nearly by definition, bad news is good news because it sells. Below, we consider certain “good” news after a brief meditation on—of all things—newspaper cartoons. Questions Do our lettered generations read printed newspapers and […]
Can Crime Pay the Black American (Afrodescendant) Reparations Bill?® Self-conceit may cause humans to think, speak, and decide prematurely without sufficient and careful consideration. We imagine ourselves more knowledgeable than we ought to think. Pointing the finger at self, a guilty plea is entered here. Case in point: Certain opposing individuals and groups reject out of hand the Reparations idea. Fundamental economic principles […]
Responses to Questions about a Path to Economic Equality® On April 5, 2024, released a commentary entitled “Questions about a Path to Economic Equality,” which featured nine interrogatives. The promised responses are provided below. There appears to be no major violation of logic or pragmatism to accept equivalent Black and Non-Black American economic statistics as a reasonable metric for defining economic equality. […]
Questions about a Path to Economic Equality® Blacks Americans have been on a long, arduous, and multitrack path to equality in the US since the end of the Civil War and adoption of the XIII Amendment to the US Constitution on December 18, 1865. One-hundred and fifty-nine years later, Black Americans have rightly or wrongly positioned “economic equality” at or near […]
Moving South® Introduction Black America has experienced substantial reverse migration to the Southern US over the past 40 years. Recently, this population shift was bolstered by noted New York Times op-ed columnist Charles Blow and by the COVID-19 Pandemic.(1) As push-back on this trend, adopted a countervailing view—recommending migration to the north central portion of […]
The Criminal Injustice System: A New Perspective® This essay discusses and answers the following questions: (1) Are criminal justice systems fair? and (2) Are criminal justice systems designed to halt or reduce crime? However, we consider interrelated matters before exploring our new perspective on criminal injustice systems. Which characteristics differentiate humans from other animals? One such characteristic is our ability to […]
Taking Charge of Our Destiny® There is little-to-no dispute about the state of Black America’s socioeconomic affairs. We stand at or near the bottom of the US hierarchy. However, there is much ongoing debate about how to motivate change in this long-standing state. Perhaps the most important barrier to improving our state is an absence of Black American unity […]
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