Allison Suchon
Big Brother Big Sisters of Dane County is pleased to recognize Big Sister Allison Suchon as the Big of the Month for March. Allison is a marketing communications specialist at ETC (Electronic Theatre Controls) and has been matched with her Little Brother Gabriel since November 2006.
Allison and Gabriel have a special bond, they enjoy going to the movies, fishing and cooking breakfast for dinner. When asked how he would describe his Big Sister to a stranger, Gabriel said, & “She is the nicest person in the world and she cares about me.”
Allison encourages her Little Brother to read and she states she will do whatever in her power to ensure he achieves his full potential. Big Brothers Big Sisters is grateful to all of our volunteers who, like Allison, are making a difference in our community one child at time. Congratulations Allison on being the Big of the Month!