Legislatively Speaking
Biden Administration Racking Up Wins for Americans

Lena C. Taylor
If you watch local news, listen to a national political pundit, or ask any number of lay people, the U.S. government isn’t working right now. Simultaneously, President Joe Biden’s job performance approval ratings have been low. Many would draw a straight line between how folks think things are going and whose running the country, at the time. There’s just one problem, it doesn’t add up!
Yes, many people have been frustrated that key legislation on policing reform and voting rights have not been passed. We had hoped to gain paid parental leave, universal pre-kindergarten; and a more comprehensive child-tax credit. While most will concede that, President Biden, was certainly handed a number of challenges when he took office, they are also unwilling to be realistic about the trouble our nation was facing.
Whether surging COVID-19 numbers, vaccine issues, or refrigerated semi-trucks holding the deceased, because funeral homes couldn’t keep up with record deaths, Biden started his administration at a deficit. Additionally, if you factor in legislators who worked against Biden’s agenda, you’d have to admit he has been in an unenviable position. But, he has managed to get things done. In fact, truth be told, Biden is racking up big legislative wins.
Most recently, Biden worked with members of Congress to pass the Inflation Reduction Act. The act which includes nearly $400 billion in tax credits and subsidies. Everything from electric vehicles, home energy improvements to work towards clean utilities, were a part of this sweeping legislation. The newly signed law caps monthly insulin costs for Medicare beneficiaries and will help many struggling to buy insulin to help manage their diabetes.
In addition, a historic gun safety bill was signed in June. Considering it’s been 30 years since Congress last did anything meaningful on sensible gun laws, it was a pretty big deal too. The bill enhances existing laws that stop anyone convicted of domestic abuse from owning a gun. It also provided incentives for states to pass “red flag laws,” which is legislation that I have coauthored in the state legislature. This law allows people to petition the court to allow the courts to remove weapons from people deemed to be a threat to themselves or others.
In short, Biden has passed stimulus bills, had record unemployment, and brought down the price of gas. He has helped to efficiently manage COVID-19, and has been responsive to the needs of everyday citizens, right down to baby formula shortages. From student loan debt to climate policies, his administration has touched the lives of most Americans and even those abroad.
He rejoined the Paris climate accord, reengaged the U.S. with the World Health Organization, and has said that he wants to reinstate U.S. relationships that were dismantled by the former administration. I could go on and on, but I will leave you with this: Research and reach your own conclusions about the work of the Biden administration, in the first 20 months of his term. The reality is that the perception is wrong. While Biden, still has a number of campaign promises to address, no one can deny he has the receipts for a lot of work completed.