Pharmacist and healthy living expert Dr. Lisa Leslie-Williams explains how to write your own prescription for health and wellness
By Dr. Lisa Leslie-Williams

Dr. Lisa Leslie-Williams
Moms, no matter how diligent you are, you can’t supervise what your kids touch, breathe or swallow 24/7. No one knows this better than pharmacist-turned healthy lifestyle expert Lisa Leslie-Williams, BS, PharmD.
“Because I’m juggling a busy career with being a homeschooling mom, I’ve been teaching my kids how to stay well. They are learning that it’s easier to be proactive rather than reactive.”
With more activities moving indoors now that the temperatures are falling, and with cough and cold season upon us, Leslie-Williams is sharing some of her best tips to empower other families to take control over their immune health.
“There are many things we can be doing year-round to support our immune health, not just during winter.”
Grab a white board and write your family’s own health and wellness prescription
Post your wellness prescription on the refrigerator or in another high-traffic area where everyone will see it daily. Some things to include on your list are:
1. Wash your hands. “No splash and dash allowed!” stressed Leslie-Williams. “While some moms teach their kids to sing the ABC or birthday song, instead try putting on some great music and have a fun time.”
2. Humidify your air. “Dry winter air can crack the skin in our nasal passages, easily enabling viruses and germs to enter the body and make us sick. Buy a humidifier to keep your indoor spaces moist. Be sure to clean it every five to seven days so it doesn’t grow bacteria.”
3. Juice up your immune system. “Black elderberries provide natural support for the immune system, and can be enjoyed for year-round immune maintenance. But choose the variety that is backed by science. If you buy homemade elderberry tea or jam, it might help someone with their business but you won’t get the same powerful immune support. Sambucol black elderberry comes in multiple forms that will please everyone in the family, from syrup and a drink powder to capsules, pastilles and gummies.”
4. Clean or change your air filters according to the schedule on the filter packaging. “Also, have your HVAC professionally cleaned at least twice a year to maintain good indoor air quality.”
5. Teach your children to use their own utensils and water bottles. “Help them keep their germs to themselves by labeling their water bottles so there is no confusion.”
Moms, here’s her advice about self-care
“Moms, self-care is not getting your nails done or treating yourself to a double scoop ice cream sundae,” Leslie-Williams said. “Self-care is the foundation for the things that will help us thrive, and help our bodies do what we intended to do. Treat your body the way it should be treated!”
That means prioritizing rest, good nutrition and exercise.
“Also, don’t skip your health screenings. Stay on top of your health and be a good role model for your family.”
Leslie-Williams said that by following this health and wellness prescription, you are instilling good habits in your children that will serve them throughout their lives. Plus, “When you feel well, you experience more out of life,” she said.
Once a practicing pharmacist, Dr. Lisa Leslie-Williams is now writing prescriptions for healthy and whole living one post at a time. As the founder of The Domestic Life Stylist, a health and wellness blog, Leslie-Williams is a respected naturopathic healthy living expert, speaker, wellness blogger, Oprah Magazine Ambassador (O MagInsider) and media spokesperson.