Remarks as delivered on election night:
By Governor-Elect Tony Evers

Tony Evers
Thank you, Wisconsin! Was this close enough for you?
Let me start out by saying this: Given all of the results we’ve seen tonight, I feel confident in saying to you right now: My name is Tony Evers, and I’m going to be the next governor of the state of Wisconsin.
I want to thank Governor Walker and his family—as well as Lt. Gov Kleefisch and her family—for their years of service to the state of Wisconsin.
Congratulations to them on running a hard-fought campaign.
I look forward to working with Speaker Vos and Majority Leader Fitzgerald, in the days and the months ahead to work for a better Wisconsin.
I know it’s been a very long night for everybody, and I already sent my kids home and are sleeping in bed, it’s been a very long night, so I’m going to keep these remarks short. But I do want to offer some thank yous, because this isn’t possible without so many of you here.
First of all I want to thank a man who, as most of you know by now, needs no introduction because he just spoke to you.
Over the past several months, whether he was at a campaign office, a church basement, or talking to Twitter, he did everything in this campaign with his heart. I’ve been inspired by his enthusiasm, intelligence, wit, and empathy. And his humor and his compassion.
He’s my sitcom co-star, the other half to my odd couple and most importantly, he reduced our ticket’s average age by about 20 years.
He is going to be our next Lt. Governor, let’s all give a huge round of applause for Mandela Barnes.
To the folks on my campaign team: Many of whom left jobs to work longer hours for less pay and less sleep and have put their lives on hold to pour your souls into this campaign. You all spent every day these past several months bringing us to this very moment, and I am so grateful.
Thank you.
And a shout out to my campaign manager Maggie Gau. An inspirational leader who has led us to the East Wing of the Capitol.
To our three kids and grandkids, you’ve been there through everything. Thank you, and I love you all.
And to my wife Kathy. Love of my life, Kathleen Francis, I love you. Thank you.
And finally, thank you to all of you here tonight I know it’s been a long night and people all across Wisconsin. For the past 14 months, so many of you have invited me into your homes and businesses, and you knocked doors, made phone calls. You talked to your friends, family members, and neighbors to get them out to vote, from the bottom of my heart, prost, thank you.
As you all know, Mandela and I have been traveling all across the state, and I’m proud to say that we ran a positive campaign focused on the issues. Better schools, better roads and more affordable healthcare that includes protections for pre-existing conditions.
Our priority always has and always will be the people of the state of Wisconsin.
I can promise you this: I will be focused on solving problems, not picking political fights. I will never make promises that I cannot keep. And I will always work for you.
It’s time for a change, folks.
And it’s a change that we have delivered!
And now that the race is behind us, I look forward to moving forward—together.
Although we won Wisconsin tonight, we do so with grace and humility and a lot of happiness, knowing we cannot fix our problems with any single person or election vote.
The real work begins tomorrow.
And as I’ve said throughout this campaign, it’s time for a change, the voters of Wisconsin spoke, and they agree.
A change is coming, Wisconsin.
Thank you all!