February 6, 2015

Rahim Islam
Given the power and amazement of His creation, He commanded (or willed) each event to happen and it was done (if you know another answer, I’m ready to listen). This is where science and religion begin to go in separate directions, but I say they shouldn’t because Creation is so perfect in its design that the architect must be perfect. The architect also has the ability to ‘will’ into existence His plans; this shouldn’t be a heavy concept for those who understand. Since we will never really know – and if you must have an answer, must one be able to combine his faith with his logic?
With the creation of man, there appears to be a big difference, a distinction with all other creation. The inspired record reads:
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them (Genesis 1:26-27).
Now I’m not a theologian and I’m not even a student of the Bible, but I do believe in this concept, which is supported by many other religious doctrines. I also believe that this concept has been abused and misused and has elevated one group (white superiority and supremacy) and disintegrated another group (black inferiority). Unlike some who believe, man is not a close cousin of the animals or a distant relative of primitive plant life, he is someone great, wonderful and different, the most excellent of all – God's works, and a special expression of the divine’s nature, created by the Creator’s own personal activity provided that he knows his role in creation. Everything in Creation has a role and responsibility towards the sustainability of Creation and man has the biggest role and responsibility.
Man's life is not the result of some spontaneous “coming together” of molecules within his body, nor is it derived by evolution from any animal or 'lower hominid' (as theistic evolutionists teach), but is a direct gift from the Creator. When the Creator created man in His own image, I believe the image wasn’t anything physical because physical reduces the discussion to limitations and the Creator has no limitations. The image of the Creator is the characteristics of His ‘spirit’ and His ‘will’ these are the things that men are suppose to emulate.
Rahim Islam is President/CEO of Universal Companies, one of the largest African-American led businesses in Philadelphia, employing nearly 650 professionals across disciplines such as education, real estate, community development, social work, technology, finance, and preventive health. He has been at the forefront of resolving many of the community and social issues facing Philadelphians and currently works directly with a number of organizations in the areas of childcare, youth and recreation programs, drug and alcohol prevention, faith based efforts, block associations, political activity, and k-12 education. He can be reached through his website, www.universalcompanies.org. You can also follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/rahimislamuc and Rahim Islam on Facebook.