January 23, 2015

Rahim Islam
If you stare out into the universe and take in the sun, moon and the stars; watch the rivers flow and the world’s (three quarters) awesome seas and oceans; admire the highest and most majestic mountains and the energy, minerals, and natural resources buried deep into the earth; acknowledge the multitude of gifts that the earth produces from the sweetness of sugar to the bitterness of salt; and the millions of other physical attributes and benefits of creation, you must conclude that this existence we call ‘life’ isn’t some accident.
All behavior is learned (good and bad). My fundamental belief is that when you know better, you can do better – isn’t that what is expected.
If you believe in a higher being, a Creator, a supreme being (God), you are instructed that this existence we call life is by design and we are told to have faith. The laws and principles that govern creation are perfect and have existed for billions of years. The intricacies between life and death (change) are an absolute marvel that we must acknowledge. There are so many daily miracles: the seasons changing every few months; the day changes into the night and night changing into day; humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide and plant life does the opposite (we sustain each other); the remarkable birth of our children knowing that the possibility that a future leader has just entered he world, just to name a few. As you study creation, you must come to appreciate that there is a definite hierarchy within creation with man as its sole benefactor, man is at the top of the food chain.
While we have come to learn much about creation, there is so much that we don’t know and probably will never know. When did this creation begin? Some equate our beginning with the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible (estimated 6,000 years ago); some say 30,000 years ago; and some say billions of years ago. The fact of the matter is that no one really knows the beginning of life nor how vast this creation is. With new technology we now can see new planets, stars and new solar systems. Some scientists say they have discovered a new sun. No one really knows the extent and or the depth of the universe, it’s never ending. With three out of five scientists not believing in God, the discussion has always persisted, does science refute faith or does science address a different set of questions, with answers that can point toward faith? The relationship between religion (faith) and science (facts) are sometimes at odds with each other, when the fact of the matter is that they should support each other.
Science and religion generally pursue knowledge of the universe using different methodologies, the common denominator is that both are reflecting on the universe. Science acknowledges reason, empiricism, evidence, and is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about nature and the universe. Proponents for religion argue that the universe is finely tuned for life, with certain fundamental parameters in nature that make our existence possible, however; we would be surprised to find ourselves in a universe in which we couldn't live – most of the universe is rather inhospitable to life. While religion includes revelation, faith and sacredness both religion and science point you to the same conclusion; there is a Creator and this Creation is no accident, Creation has been designed.
Just like the architect of Creation (God), Creation is so massive; the human mind is unable to contain it all. The human mind can’t contain God. Humans can only come to know God through His characteristics and through His Creation (everything in creation is a sign from the God). The mysteries of this Creation are unfolding daily and what is absolutely clear; this Creation is the ultimate mystery full of on-going revelations. These revelations speak to us about the Creator (God) and what our relationship should be with Him and what our relationship is with each other. The culmination of knowledge (science and inspired) creates a standard for human behaviour today. This is why it is critical for man to study and marvel Creation so that he can absorb and embrace his role in Creation.
All behavior is learned (good and bad). My fundamental belief is that when you know better, you can do better – isn’t that what is expected. If you don’t know your purpose then how can you fulfill it? If you think you’re somehow superior then you will treat others inferior. If you think that you’re somehow inferior, then you will hate yourself and treat others superior. How is that we expect anything differently? It is impossible to ask someone to do something he doesn’t know anything about, he must be taught (instructed) and he must learn. As humans, we have a unique capacity because man is a very special species, it goes back to our beginning, origin, and our purpose. Where did all of this come from? How did man get this special favor? The historical biblical account of the creation of Adam and Eve states that God made the first man in His own image. What does this mean? And why is it important?
The architecture of Creation begs and challenges man’s intellect to the creation having an architect, designer, creator (God), the wonders of all of creation confirm the existence of a Creator (God) – It’s really a no brainer. The Creator prepared the earth as a habitat for man; created the fish life, the bird life, and animal life. How all of this happened remains a mystery and part of the Creator’s own mystique.
Rahim Islam is President/CEO of Universal Companies, one of the largest African-American led businesses in Philadelphia, employing nearly 650 professionals across disciplines such as education, real estate, community development, social work, technology, finance, and preventive health. He has been at the forefront of resolving many of the community and social issues facing Philadelphians and currently works directly with a number of organizations in the areas of childcare, youth and recreation programs, drug and alcohol prevention, faith based efforts, block associations, political activity, and k-12 education. He can be reached through his website, www.universalcompanies.org. You can also follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/rahimislamuc and Rahim Islam on Facebook.