July 10, 2015

Matiya Hill
Hi and welcome back to our blog! *insert big cyber hug* I’ll keep this post short and sweet. As some of you may know, I am tackling my student loan debt one day at a time, sweet Jesus. Lately I’ve noticed that I have quite a few side eyes when I talk about living a debt free life. However, I do have supporters and I love them all, #debtfreesquad, lol.
But, back to the naysayers. This post is for the person that has decided to make a positive financial change that may not understood by his/her peers. Unfortunately, often times we tend to lose focus on goals because we listen to the opinions of others. Below are a few of my favorite comments/questions that I just love to hear, lol. (I’m positive the comments aren’t meant to be malicious, but it kind of sucks when people don’t understand your “master plan.”)
- Oh please, you will have debt!
- You only live once, right? YOLO
- Why save anyway? You can’t take it with you.
- Don’t worry about paying off your student loans – that’s “good” debt.
- Everyone has debt…
So, needless to say, I’ve just about heard it all! On the bright side, for every negative there is ALWAYS a positive.
Tips of Encouragement:
- Stay focused on your goal (if you fall off track, dust yourself off and keep going).
- Journal/write down your progress and keep those accomplishments visible. Post-it notes are great for this.
- Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are heading in the right direction. Smile, pat yourself on the back, do a happy dance, or nae nae (whatever lifts your spirits).
- Keep pushing forward and continue to navigate through the naysayers with ease! Hey, who knows, maybe one day that person may ask you for financial tips & advice.
- Also, please remember: Never underestimate what you can accomplish when you keep focus and believe in yourself!
Thank you taking the time to read this post! How do you navigate the naysayers during your debt free journey? Please share your story at browngirlgreenmoney@gmail.com. Also, follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/browngirlgreenmoney. We would love to hear from you!