MADISON, WI – SCFL will celebrate Labor Day with its annual LaborFest celebration on Monday, September 7 at the Madison Labor Temple on South Park St. The event is free and open to the public, and will run from 12:00 noon to 5:30 PM on Labor Day on the Madison Labor Temple lawn (1602 South Park St.). Limited parking is available, with street parking nearby.
Kevin Gundlach, SCFL President, said, “Labor Day is a time to celebrate the incredible achievements of America’s working people and all those who make this country run. It’s also an opportunity to remember the workers who have risked their livelihoods to demand safe working conditions and fair pay. All across the country, people are standing up and speaking out to protect the fundamental rights of all workers. Every day of the year, we are joining together to demand a fairer and more just economy that lets every person pursue the American Dream and work for a better life. Labor Day is our day to honor that commitment and dedication.”
Musical entertainment begins at noon with VO5, followed by Cris Plata & Extra Hot at 3:00 PM. Other family-friendly activities include shows by magician Scott the Great at 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM, face painting, a bounce house, a caricature artist, and balloons.
Food and beverages will be available for purchase. The menu includes Italian sausage, Louisiana-style beans and rice, corn on the cob, chips, soda, local microbrews and union-made beer.
SCFL will be collecting toiletries, toothbrushes, food gift cards, and small bottles of laundry detergent to donate to students without homes in the Madison Metropolitan School District Transition Education program. The South Central Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO is an umbrella organization of labor unions representing workers in South Central Wisconsin, and organizes in the community to promote social and economic justice for all working people. Visit