Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor A while ago, I joined my Democratic colleagues on the state and federal level in expressing concerns about last year’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision to repeal Net Neutrality rules. However, aside from the obvious reasons for alarm, I am also anxious about how this issue impacts social […]
Remembering the Historic Brown Decision
Capitol Report By State Representative, Leon D. Young On Thursday, May 17th, marked an historic milestone in American history. Regrettably, most Americans were totally unaware of the 64th anniversary of the landmark 1954 Supreme Court case, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, in which the justices ruled unanimously that racial segregation of children in […]
Trump’s ‘New Deal for Blacks’ was Dealt From the Bottom of The Deck
By Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. African-American unemployment has reached its lowest levels ever. President Donald Trump boasts about this on the stump, naturally claiming credit for a recovery that began after his predecessor, Barack Obama, saved an economy that was in free fall. Trump says he’s delivering on his promised “new deal for blacks.” Don’t […]
Fighting Discrimination in the Housing Market Takes a Strong FHA
By Charlene Crowell (Deputy Communications Director, Center for Responsible Lending) In the classic movie film, “Gone with the Wind,” the owner of the Tara plantation admonished his daughter for remarking that she didn’t care about her home. In a sharp rebuke, Gerald O-Hara declared that “land was the only thing worth living for, worth fighting […]
On the Shoulders of Warriors Past
Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor Remembering the Legislative Legacy of Vel Phillips This weekend, like many from our community, I paid my respects to Velvalea Rodgers “Vel” Phillips. As I sat and listened to the many descriptions, stories and accomplishments that described the pint-sized warrior that lay beneath a spray of flowers, I […]
A Game of Constitutional Chicken
Capitol Report By State Representative, Leon D. Young President Donald Trump has said he’s “looking forward” to the prospect of sitting down with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. But privately, increasing members of Trump’s legal team are vehemently urging him to decline any invitation to talk to Mueller. Negotiations are continuing. But constitutional law experts have […]
Face the Truth About Lynchings to Move Our Country Forward
By Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. If we don’t know the whereas, the therefore doesn’t make sense. Witness the ovens in Auschwitz and Treblinka, and then you can understand the creation of Israel. Last week, the National Memorial for Peace and Justice opened in Montgomery, Ala., demanding a reckoning with one of this nation’s most repressed […]
What’s Wrong with UW-Madison?
Capitol Report By State Representative, Leon D. Young I came across what I consider to be a disturbing article recently. It’s now being reported that the University of Wisconsin Madison will not remove from campus buildings the names of well-known student leaders who were members of a campus Ku Klux Klan society in the early […]
The Big Payback: Let’s “Take Over the Polls”
NNPA Focuses on Registering 5 Million New, Black Voters Before Midterm Elections By Jeffrey L. Boney (NNPA Newswire Contributor) If there ever was a time that Black people needed to fully understand the power of their Black dollar, as well as the need to emphasize the importance of putting their money where their true influence […]
The Farm Bill That Severely Impacts Urban Communities
Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor Washington Republicans H.R. 2 Makes Access to Food Even Worse Food should not be a bargaining chip, a carrot that we dangle to rev up our political base, or treated as something that it is optional. Republicans in Congress, clearly have another view and much of it is […]
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