Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor A Rural and Urban Crop Last fall, Governor Walker signed SB 119 into law after it passed unanimously in the assembly and senate. The bill allows for the growing of industrial hemp, with proper licensing, in the state of Wisconsin after it had been outlawed for the last […]
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor A Natural Pipeline to Address Diversity and Inclusion Needs of Wisconsin Recently, a consortium of educators, university staff, and key stakeholders came together to talk about the importance and creation of a pipeline of African-American college graduates into key employment sectors in Wisconsin. The event, which was hosted […]
Wisconsin Election Security
Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor Walker Vetoes and Slow Response Threatens State Hacking. Troll Farms. Propaganda Campaigns and Bots. These are not terms that the average Wisconsinite uses every day. However, we do need to understand what they mean and how they impact our election system. At the very least, residents should have […]
Seeds Planted at the Base of the Mountaintop
Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor Over the last two years there’s been a lot of discussion about what makes our country great, and more importantly, what doesn’t. We each have our own vision, dream or reality about what it means to live in America. That vision is why we run for office, volunteer, […]
Extraordinary Session
Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor Walker and GOP: Don’t Like a Judge’s Order, Just Change the Law You can’t make this stuff up! A Wisconsin judge issues an order that Governor Scott Walker and Republicans in the legislature didn’t like. Their response; change the law, make it retroactive, and get around the court […]
Milwaukee’s Youth Bring Their Demands for Justice 50 Miles Further
Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor Local students have announced their plan to join in Madison on March 25 to march 50 miles south to Janesville, to the home of House Speaker Paul Ryan, in what they’ve named the 50 Miles More March. Led in part by Shorewood High’s own Katie Eder, the students […]
The Self Fulfilling Prophecy of Stop and Frisk
Legislatively Speaking By Lena C. Taylor It seems like every year or so, someone puts out a study on Stop and Frisk. They’ve done their research and the findings are always the same. Stop and Frisk programs, like Milwaukee’s, are frequently based on race and ethnicity. No reasonable suspicion is offered for the overwhelming amount […]
Do You Hear What the Children Are Saying?
Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor School Students Want Safe Schools We have watched, in horror, as yet another mass shooting occurred in an American grade school. Without doubt, gun violence is one of the most unrelenting public health issues we face today. In the absence of adult leadership and consensus on how to […]
Unemployment Claim Mistakes Could Lead to a Felony
Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor Many people may not know that Wisconsin was the first state in the nation, in 1932, to offer unemployment benefits. Our legislative predecessors understood that workers needed help in between jobs, after a layoff or plant closing. Unemployment benefits, which help to pay rent and mortgages, buy groceries […]
Juvenile Corrections Can’t Wait
Legislatively Speaking By Senator, Lena C. Taylor Several years ago, I chaired the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Corrections. In that role, I hosted the first-ever Wisconsin “State of the Justice System” tour. The committee traveled the state hosting public hearings and receiving testimony from those on the frontline of services and the administration of […]