By Dylan Deprey There’s no denying that black women have been dominating the film industry this year. From the Hollywood superstars to up-and-coming actresses, writers, producers and filmmakers, Black women are making their stamp on the industry in a big way. Milwaukee Film’s Black Lens is celebrating everything female for 2020 Black History Month. “Black […]
7 Scooops by the Ice Kream Klub is by Kids for Kids, just ask their 6-year-old CEO
By Dylan Deprey If there’s one word to describe Kaliyah Wheeler, it’s vibrant. The 6-year-old smiles from ear-to-ear as she colors in designs on her tablet. Her favorite color is blue, and she loves every ice cream flavor. Her giggles are enchanting and it matches her outfit. The bright pink and blue sweat suit pairs […]
The Original Black Panthers of Milwaukee Dedicate Annual Kwanzaa Shopping with a Panther Event to Fallen Comrade
By Dylan Deprey Four years ago, King Rick, the original Black Panther of Milwaukee general and Carl Williams, his confidant and second in command, pooled together their own money to take a family shopping for the holiday season. The children had lost a parent to gun violence, and the two wanted to show them a […]
Smiles Beam During Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Winter Carnival
By Dylan Deprey Santa and his elves took a break from the toy shop and descended upon Children’s Hospital to celebrate the Winter Carnival with the kids and their families on Wednesday, Dec. 11. Holiday music filled the lobby at Children’s Wisconsin. From gingerbread houses and reindeer races, to hot cocoa and sweet treats, the […]
MCTS Remembers Rosa Parks’ Legacy with a Rose and an Open Seat on Every Bus
By Dylan Deprey “At the time I was arrested, I had no idea it would turn into this. It was just a day like any other day. The only thing that made it significant was that the masses of the people joined in.” –Rosa Parks She was the first lady of civil rights” and “the […]
Gov. Evers, State and Local Officials Announce Open Enrollment Period for Health Insurance
By Dylan Deprey Out of twenty cities, former President Barack Obama visited Milwaukee to celebrate a first-place victory in his Healthy Communities Challenge back in 2016. Milwaukee signed up 38,000 of its neighbors for health coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA.) Three years later, the numbers have drastically declined across the city and the […]
Gov. Evers Decrees Complete Count Committee for 2020 Census
By Dylan Deprey What’s a TV remote with only one battery? What’s a skateboard with only three wheels? What’s a kitchen without a chef? When critical pieces go unaccounted for, they become un-energized, immobile and unmanageable. With thousands of dollars at stake, Gov. Tony Evers, Lt Gov. Mandela Barnes and other state and local elected […]
Meccah Maloh’s Mission: Master the Pad
By Dylan Deprey All Meccah Maloh needs is his Akai MPC Live and a wireless speaker to make beats. As he sits on his porch taking in the fall weather, his hands move at lighting speeds scrolling through sounds. He assigns samples, snares and hi-hats to one-of-the-twelve illuminating pads. A booming bass blasts through the […]
“The Forum” Talks College Students of Color, Mental Health and Institutional Responsibilities
By Dylan Deprey Laptop? Check. Futon? Check. Mini Fridge? Check. Special sheets to fit the dorm beds? Check. A college where students of color feel welcome, mentally healthy and equal to their white counterparts? Still needs some work. As students head back to the hustle of juggling classes, extracurricular activities, jobs and maintaining a social […]
Sen. Lena Taylor Tosses Her Bid into the Ring for 2020 Milwaukee Mayor
By Dylan Deprey As State Senator Lena Taylor stood on her block at 15th and Capitol, she reminisced about the Milwaukee she grew up in. She said it was a City of opportunity, a place where neighbors took accountability of each other. It was a time when she could walk to school safely and bike […]