® At the outset of certain lectures, we have enquired of the audience: “What is the most important ‘thing’ in the universe?” While we have received a multiplicity of answers, we always steer the audience back to what we view as the correct answer: “Knowledge!” Why knowledge? Because it is fundamental. You may have all […]
Self-Enslavement: The Psychoeconomics of Sports Games® Prof. John Nash, Jr. shared the Sveriges Riksbank (Nobel) Prize for Economics in 1994 for his work on the theory of strategic games. You may have seen the related 2001 biopic entitled, A Beautiful Mind. Economists use Prof. Nash’s theory to analyze a wide range of economic situations. The closest most persons come to […]
Black America’s Consumption, Income, and Wealth® There is no “chicken or egg” conundrum when considering the starting point of economic activity for households in a so-called capitalist US economy. One must begin with money income to acquire life’s essentials: Food, clothing, and shelter. It is common knowledge that Black Americans experience an income gap with the remainder of the nation. […]
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