® Black Americans, who believe that Repara-tions are due, know that there are numerous efforts afoot to secure Reparations in one form or another. Presumably, we can agree that a more unified strategy should enable us to experience more success in wresting Reparations from the prevailing system of things. This brief essay will provide an […]
South Asian Immigration: Implications for Black America® In “Welcoming Black South Asians into the Black World,” highlighted possible benefits of a favorable relationship between Black Americans, other Black people of the world, and South Asians, who are essentially Black people. Unfortunately, a closer look at the evolving nature of South Asians’ immigration to the US does not cast a warm […]
Cleaning Our Way to Black Liberation® Without a moralizing intent, we share the following travel incident. We were in Kyoto, Japan in March 2009 attending an academic conference. Each morning, while walking to the subway that would take us to Ryukoku University where the conference was held, we observed a streetsweeper—a person with a broom. One morning, we decided to […]
Don’t Ask the Wrong Question about Raising the FDC® As the US hurtles toward a GO – NOGO decision on lifting the Federal Debt Ceiling (FDC), the question on everyone’s mind is: Will the ceiling be lifted? One might argue that this is an incorrect and not the most important question because it bypasses relevant and important questions that precede it. We do […]
Frogs: Reaching a Deadly Boiling Point Via Chilling Realities® In numerous cultural traditions, frogs symbolize fertility, rebirth, potential, change/transformation, purity, prosperity, good luck, uncleanliness, and liberty. Interestingly, frogs also have an unfounded reputation based on a popular, but false myth that they will willing go to their demise if placed in water that rises slowly to a boiling point. It is known as […]
Making Discriminators Pay® Economists have diverse opinions about economic theories that seek to explain racial discrimination. Even so, there is no doubt that official U.S. statistics confirm the persistent existence of economic inequality endured by Black America (in the short and long run), which is at least partly attributable to racial discrimination. However, economies may evolve organically […]
Economics Before Education?® At the outset of certain lectures, we have enquired of the audience: “What is the most important ‘thing’ in the universe?” While we have received a multiplicity of answers, we always steer the audience back to what we view as the correct answer: “Knowledge!” Why knowledge? Because it is fundamental. You may have all […]
Self-Enslavement: The Psychoeconomics of Sports Games® Prof. John Nash, Jr. shared the Sveriges Riksbank (Nobel) Prize for Economics in 1994 for his work on the theory of strategic games. You may have seen the related 2001 biopic entitled, A Beautiful Mind. Economists use Prof. Nash’s theory to analyze a wide range of economic situations. The closest most persons come to […]
Black America’s Consumption, Income, and Wealth® There is no “chicken or egg” conundrum when considering the starting point of economic activity for households in a so-called capitalist US economy. One must begin with money income to acquire life’s essentials: Food, clothing, and shelter. It is common knowledge that Black Americans experience an income gap with the remainder of the nation. […]
Aiding and Abetting: Contributing to Our Own Demise® In a 2008 commentary, “More Physicists, Fewer Fullbacks,” we argued for a reduction in Black American participation in sports. That advice went unheeded and Black American involvement in sports continues to increase. Our argument was about redirecting the lives of those Black American youth, who will not obtain college athletic scholarships and who will […]
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