Jodi Schroll
Jodi Schroll has been matched with her Little Sister Aja’Nae since November 2015. As well as being a Big Sister, Jodi has started a biotech company in Madison. Jodi said she was inspired to become a Big Sister because she loved watching her sons grow up and learn and she wanted to be a part of that in another child’s life.
Jodi and Aja’Nae enjoy doing a variety of old and new activities together like: making pottery, going out to eat, going to the zoo, making cookies, going to a variety of performances, and watching movies. Jodi and Aja’Nae have been very involved in many Big Brothers Big Sisters events that include: helping decorate our office for an open house, going skiing, a Night at the Opera event, and volunteering at the Dream BIG Gala. Aja’Nae says that she enjoys just hanging out with Jodi and that she is a fun Big Sister.
Jodi is also very supportive of Aja’Nae in many areas of her life. Jodi and Aja’Nae have been working on math together and even bought supplies to make creative math flashcards. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dane County is pleased to recognize Big Sister Jodi Schroll as our Big of the Month for July.