Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) is pleased to recognize Big Sister Amber Converse and Big Sister Liz Jackson as our double-feature volunteers of the month. Amber is a GIS Specialist at MSA Professional Services and has been matched with her Little Sister Kwanice since August 2014. Liz works in Technical Services at Epic and has been matched with her Little Sister Kanisha since September 2014.
Kwanice and Kanisha are sisters who are close in both age and friendship, so it is no wonder that their Big Sisters also became fast friends. These two matches love doing a variety of activities, like going to the theater, painting pottery, visiting the zoo, building bird houses, skiing, and so much more!
The girls say their favorite things to do are making things and swimming. In this picture, they are visiting an apple orchard, but this time they didn’t roll down the hill like they usually do. They also enjoy volunteering at BBBS events like our Annual Gala. We congratulate Amber, Kwanice, Liz, and Kanisha on embarking on their second year of being matched together. We look forward to seeing more amazing growth in Kanisha and Kwanice!