Josh Woolfolk
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dane County is pleased to recognize volunteer Josh Woolfolk as Big of the Month for April. Josh is the Associate Director of Development for the University of Wisconsin Foundation and Big Brother to Cameron who is 10 years old and in the 4th grade. Josh and Cameron were paired in November 2016. Josh decided to volunteer with BBBS because he is appreciative of the role models he had in his own life and he understands the impact that positive adults can have on children.
Upon meeting one another Josh and Cameron discovered that they have a lot in common. They both love sports, especially basketball, and video games. Josh and Cam have had some fun experiences in the time that they have been matched. A recent highlight was going skiing with other Bigs and Littles at Tyrol Basin. Another highlight was going to a Badger basketball game.
In addition to the fun, Cameron’s mom gave Josh permission to visit Cam at his school. On the weeks that they are not able to get together for a community outing, Josh and Cam meet at school, have lunch and read together. A highlight for Cam was that, in February, Josh participated in Read Your Heart Out day at his school and read to his class in honor of Black History Month.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Congratulates Josh on being Volunteer of the month and for making a difference in our community by making time to mentor a child.