Our 6th Annual Simpson Street Finest Family Reunion will kick off on Saturday, August 29, 2015. This year our reunion will be held at Dream Park Shelter located at 5301 Healy Lane in Monona, WI. A prayer will be given at 9am before we begin and everyone is expected to attend!
Our event is for all ages and families. We will be at the park from 9am – 10pm. Dream Park is also connected with the Winnequah Park. Clean-up is at 9pm sharp!
There will be food, fun, softball, basketball, volleyball, frisbee, horseshoe toss, swimming, and amplified clean music!
Bring your grills, chairs, blankets, meat, soda, and everything you need to make this a great time. What does it mean to support the village of the Annual Simpson Street Finest Family Reunion 2015? Well, it means:
The entire local community is involved in the education and growth of all children and they learn from what they see outside their home environment. It take everyone to raise a child. It takes 18 years, and even after that, you’re still the parent.
To be a productive, well-rounded individual, we need strong family values and a strong community with lots of support. A Spiritual Balloon Releasing Ceremony will also take place, and all are invited. We are very excited about this year’s Neighborhood Reunion and we are hoping that everyone will support this great event. There will be T-shirts for all who care to purchase them.
All donations are accepted and appreciated.
They can be mailed to:
Diane C. Small
P.O. Box 6053
Simpson Street Finest Families Reunion
Madison, WI 53716
Thank you for your support, and hope to see you there!